Word Pairs


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The United Nations has issued a [stork / stark] warning to consumers worldwide. The [volume / voluminous] of electronics we are throwing away is creating an "environmental catastrophe". We are disposing [on / of] record amounts of "e-waste". The UN defines electronics [as / has] anything with a plug or a battery, and often contains [toxic / toxify] chemicals and substances, such as lead and mercury. E-waste includes [discarded / regarded] cellphones, refrigerators and e-cigarettes. The UN Global E-waste Monitor has reported that in 2022, the world generated a [brain-blowing / mind-blowing] 62 million [tins / tons] of e-waste. CNN said this waste could, "fill more than 1.5 million 40-ton trucks which, if [placed / bumped] bumper-to-bumper, could…wrap around the [Equator / tropic] ".

Most e-waste comes from [redeveloped / developed] countries. A lot of it is sent to poorer countries [for / on] recycling. However, these countries [lack / slack] the technology and resources to dispose [for / of] it in a way that minimizes environmental damage. The [sheer / shear] volume of waste is creating a [plethora / diaspora] of health problems. Dumped electronics are poisoning rivers and seas. A disturbing 58 tons of mercury entered the [environment / environs] last year. Some of this enters the food chain. The UN blamed manufacturers for showing "a lack of [duty / beauty] of care" by failing to accept responsibility for what happens to their [produce / products] . It also blamed consumers, saying, "it's just a few clicks" to buy electronics, but "it's [fair / far] more difficult to dispose of them".

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