Speed Reading — Level 5 — 500 wpm 

Now do this put-the-text-back-together activity.

This is the text (if you need help).

Have you ever wondered why smartphone chargers are all so different? Lawmakers at the European Union have thought about the same mystery. Consumers should welcome a new, common-sense plan voted for by EU politicians. The EU decided that smartphone companies must make the plug adaptor that connects to the electricity supply the same. They did not vote on making the connector to the phone itself the same. This will leave many consumers feeling puzzled. They may see the law as a half measure. There were calls to standardize this connector too.

The variety of current adaptors is harmful to the environment. When people buy a new phone, they throw away their old charger and buy a new one that fits their new phone. An EU politician said the new law would help the environment by reducing electronic waste. She told reporters: "It will put an end to charger clutter and 51,000 tons of electronic waste annually." She added that the incompatibility of chargers for electronic devices was "a nightmare and a real inconvenience for consumers". Manufacturers have until 2017 to follow the new law.

Back to the phone charger lesson.

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