School children punished over wrong trousers

A school in England apologised to 50 students for punishing them for wearing the "wrong trousers". Pupils at the school got detention for not following school uniform rules. They spent eight hours in a small classroom. School bosses said the trousers were "skintight" and not right for school. The school was tightening its uniform rules. It did not think students would wear so many different types of trousers.

Parents were very angry. A mother said her daughter was in a room for eight hours and was "deeply distressed". She said her daughter was punished because teachers did not like her trousers. The school said her daughter's trousers were "skintight" but the mother said they weren't. She said her daughter lost two days' education because of a "ridiculous" rule. The school sent parents a letter to say students should wear black "tailored" trousers.