Multiple-path stories for English students

A project to help English learners read may soon start. The developers need to reach their funding target. The concept is a series of "multiple-path" books. Readers can choose the direction of the story. It is the idea of author Marcos Benevides. He said his stories combined traditional multi-path stories with easier-to-understand language that students need. he said the books appeal to adults as well as to "adventurous kids".

The project is using to raise money. So far, this 4.8 million people have promised $793 million on this site. It has funded 48,000 creative projects. Mr Benevides' project may be one of the first English language teaching projects to use Kickstarter. Benevides said: "By the end of 2014, we hope that the series will have become self-sustaining. If that happens, we will continue producing new titles [for a long, long time]."