U.S. rock group banned from Russia

An American rock group have been banned from performing at a music festival in Russia after a band member stuffed the Russian flag inside his pants. Jared Hasselhoff, the bass player with the band Bloodhound Gang, put the flag into the front of his pants and pulled it out the back. The band were at a concert in the Ukraine. Hasselhoff grabbed the flag and told the crowd, "Don't tell Putin". His stunt led Russia's Culture Minister to describe the band as "idiots". He banned them from playing at Russia's Kubana music festival this week. Hasselhoff later apologised for his actions.

The band may face criminal charges. The governor of the region holding the festival, tweeted: "For such pranks they should be behind bars." Russian lawmaker Vladimir Markin told reporters that under the Russian Criminal Code, abusing the Russian state flag is a crime. He said: "We will do our best to identify and bring to court every person involved." A comment posted on the Voice of Russia website called Hasselhoff's actions an "unpardonable and inexcusable criminal act" that broke Russian laws and insulted Russians worldwide.