World will see first trillionaire in next 10 years

A quiz show asked, "Who wants to be a millionaire?" A million dollars was the goal of the super-rich. Now, it is a billion dollars. The charity Oxfam said that in the next ten years, the world will have its first trillionaire. A trillion is a one, followed by 12 zeros. It is one million million. Oxfam said the wealth gap between the rich and poor is growing. It added that although there will be a trillionaire in a decade, fighting poverty will take 200 years.

Oxfam said the world's five richest people have doubled their wealth since 2020. It added: "On the other hand, almost five billion people have become poorer." Tesla CEO Elon Musk is the world's richest man. He is worth $250 billion. The AP news agency said a trillionaire would "have the same value as oil-rich Saudi Arabia". Oxfam said the world will see a "decade of division". It wants public action to reduce the wealth gap.