Company makes booth for vertical napping

If you ever want to sleep while standing, the Koyoju company in Japan has something for you. Koyoju has unveiled the "Giraffenap" booth. This ingenious cubicle lets the user nap in a vertical position. It will allow office workers to catch forty winks without a bed. The designers say a 20-minute nap improves mental performance and productivity by reducing fatigue. It also boosts concentration and memory retention. The Giraffenap pods come in two designs and will go on sale in December. They are expected to cost around $20,000.

The Giraffenap website says we often work non-stop without an opportunity to recover from stress, resulting in unwanted sleepiness during the day. It added: "Now it's time to break the stereotype that nodding off on the job is a sign of boredom or laziness." The site says naps allow for "more efficient and fulfilling work". Napping reduces drowsiness and improves ingenuity and creativeness. The designers offered some napping advice. Just 15 to 20 minutes is best, and naps should end before 3 p.m. In addition, you should not lie down as this leads to deep sleep.