TikTok trend causes laxative shortage in USA

TikTok videos are leading to a lack of laxative drugs in the USA. A laxative is a medicine for people who have problems on the toilet because of hard "poo". Laxatives loosen the poo to make it easier to go. The videos are making teenagers think that laxatives help with weight loss. Hundreds of thousands of youngsters have bought all the laxatives in drugstores. People who need the medicine cannot get it. Doctors give the drug for problems like constipation.

Doctors are worried about the trend. They say the online videos are wrong because laxatives are not for weight loss. They only lead to water being lost. The water weight is quickly put back on after having a drink. Laxatives have side effects, like headaches, thirst, tiredness, dry skin, and dizziness. It is healthier to lose weight through lifestyle changes. Eating more fruit and vegetables, and exercising are better than laxatives for losing weight.